Donor Profile: Cleavage Creek Winery
Cleavage Creek Cellars is a unique business that was founded on the philosophy that with enough money, energy,a dn passion, we can find a cure for breast cancer. Budge Brown was a successful...
View ArticleBlogger Profile: Notes from the Cellar
In Steve’s own words: In the seemingly-limitless journey that is a life enjoying wine, sometimes roadsigns are roadblocks, and other times we need wayfinding markers along the way, illuminating our...
View ArticleDonor Profile: Valeri the Wine Lass
Valeri Smith is becoming an institution around twitter, with her wonderful updates and tastes of wine in 140 characters or less. She describes herself as a SuperRecruiter (currently for the health...
View ArticleBlogger Profile: Passionate Foodie
Richard Auffrey is a Passionate Foodie, wino, and sake lover! He currently writes for his blog, as well as local newspaper, while also teaching wine education classes. Being a certified Spanish wine...
View ArticleDonor Profile: Hudson Valley Wine Goddess
Debbie Lessner-Gioquindo is the Hudson Valley Wine Goddess! Growing up in the Hudson Valley, she became interest in wine in the late 90s. Through the years, she has learned a lot about wine, and...
View ArticleVirginia is for… Wine?
The 2011 Wine Bloggers Conference is set for July 22-24th, in Charlottesville, Virginia. Now, when I think of Virginia, I don’t think about wine. I think about Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., and...
View ArticleScholarship Recipient Amy Corron Power
Why do I love Amy Corron Power? Let me count the ways. One, she’s a fellow wine blogging attorney. Two, she’s super smart. Three, she’s damn funny. Four, she is one half a really awesome wine blog,...
View ArticleDonor Profile Craig Camp
I feel like I’ve experienced this before. Writing a profile for Craig Camp of Cornerstone Cellars. Quite alright though, I’m a huge fan of Craig, so I certainly don’t mind singing his praises every...
View ArticleDonor Profile Craig Camp
I feel like I’ve experienced this before. Writing a profile for Craig Camp of Cornerstone Cellars. Quite alright though, I’m a huge fan of Craig, so I certainly don’t mind singing his praises every...
View ArticleDonor/Committe Member Profile Megan Kenney
That’s me. Writing about myself again. Still think it’s bizarre and awkward. I’m Megan. Better known in wine blogging land as Sonadora or the Wannabe Wino. I’ve been blogging for nearly 8 years. I’m...
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